
IT Schools Africa


IT SCHOOLS AFRICA would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for your recent donation of IT equipment.

Your equipment makes a huge difference both in the UK and in Africa.

Our UK programme is integral to the overall success of the charity. We are able to provide pathways into training and employment for our volunteers who might be long-term unemployed, people suffering from mental or physical disabilities, special need students, school children as well as HM Prison Service. We welcome over 50 volunteers every year who carry out the invaluable work of testing, refurbishing, upgrading and packing the equipment before it is sent to our NGO’s in Africa.

Achievements since 2004

  • 110,000 computers and laptops, saved from landfill
  • 1,300 volunteers welcomed at IT Schools Africa
  • 5.3 million children given access to IT in Africa
  • 110 community groups and charities supported in Gloucestershire
  • 33 new school e-Learning labs in Africa

We are also always in need of IT equipment and financial support to sustain and increase the work we do in the UK and in Africa.

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See What Our Customers Say

We’ve worked with countless businesses in a wide range of industries to dispose of their unwanted IT assets responsibly and securely. Here’s what they had to say about us: